Who are millionaires looking for: What kind of women inspire entrepreneurs

Oleksandr Suvorov, a man with a gray beard wearing a white shirt, is smiling. A woman's hand with red nail polish and a ring on the ring finger covers one of his eyes.

Would a knight be eager to slay the dragon if there weren’t a beautiful princess waiting for him in the tower? Hardly! I am a businessman and know many like me, so I can assure you that often it is a woman who drives a 'knight' to great deeds: the desire to impress, conquer, and win over—this is a powerful motivation that should never be underestimated.

An Important Remark to Start With

According to statistics, only 4% of people in the world are entrepreneurs. So, everything I will write about in this article is more of an exception than a rule.

You have probably heard the phrase: “Behind every successful man stands a woman.” Is it true? There is definitely something to it! I will share some thoughts on this topic, based primarily on my personal experience.

We All Come From Childhood

There is a belief, which I fully agree with: many great success stories are rooted in trauma—sometimes an entire complex of them. Often, it is these traumas, rather than some positive or pleasant motives, that push entrepreneurs toward great achievements. Fear of poverty or, even deeper, a lack of love and care in childhood.

And here we come to the most important woman in every man’s life—his mother. She lays the foundation for the future personality. Some mothers give warmth, support, and belief in their son’s strength. But there are also others—cold, indifferent, hysterical, or even cruel. For a boy, this can become a deep wound that follows him throughout life.

Such men either grow up to be failures with shattered self-esteem or, conversely, achieve incredible heights in business. But often, at the core of their success lies a child’s desire to prove something to their mother or at least attract her attention and earn her praise.

This is not a rule, but unfortunately, it is a fairly common scenario. It breeds distrust toward women, an inability to build deep, meaningful relationships, and a constant need to prove one’s worth—even if business empires emerge from this internal chaos.

But there is another story. One that begins with love, care, and support from a mother who instills in her son the belief: “You can do anything; you are my best.” This is a constructive path to success—not through struggling with trauma but through inner strength and harmony. As we can see, both the first and second scenarios stem from a woman.

The Desire to Impress Women

The boy grows up and finds his driving force: money, power, or fame. For each, it is different. Some prioritize accumulating capital, others—gaining control over subordinates, the market, or influence in their field. But there is another category of entrepreneurs—those driven by the pursuit of fame and recognition. In the lives of these men, the role of women is especially significant.

The desire to be attractive is a powerful motivator. A successful man wants to capture the attention of the best woman, to be someone admired. It is a deep psychological need to feel like a winner.

Men who seek power or money often do not dwell on this issue: having a woman by their side is enough; her role is secondary to them. But those who crave fame draw their energy from female attention.

These entrepreneurs build empires, earn millions, and buy luxury cars and palaces. For them (for us!), this is a way to attract the attention of a woman who becomes a symbol of success.

Love: The Energy That Inspires Great Deeds

Love is one of the most powerful feelings that can radically change an entrepreneur’s life. Finding the right woman can give him wings. For some men, a woman becomes a source of inspiration that drives them toward new achievements. This is not necessarily a wife. It can be an admiration that unexpectedly provides an influx of energy and strength.

A few kind words, enough attention and warmth—and suddenly the entrepreneur feels strong, capable of anything. The threshold of fear lowers, risks seem less significant, and he starts acting bolder. This state allows him to launch new projects, breathe new life into old ideas, or even achieve dreams that once seemed unrealistic.

Love and Partnership

How long does love last? That is a very individual question. The fact is that it eventually fades. If it is not replaced by something more significant and profound, trouble arises. A man will either seek a new 'charge' in another relationship or fall into apathy, moving forward in business at a much slower pace. He may lose interest in his work, not even realizing that the reason is the absence of the emotional energy his woman once provided.

There are happy stories—the right ones. When love transforms into true partnership, where both partners understand their roles, and the relationship is filled with peace and comfort.

But just having a perfect home life and no conflicts is not enough—a woman continues to inspire and empower a man when she believes in him, genuinely takes an interest in his ideas and personality, rather than just his wallet. For such a woman, a man is capable of moving mountains. And vice versa. Here’s a story about one of my entrepreneur friends. One day, he told his wife that he had decided to invest $300,000 in equipment that would allow his company to expand significantly into international markets. Instead of excitement, congratulations, and shared dreams of a wealthy and happy future, he spent months listening to complaints about how much she could have bought with that money. Can such a woman inspire a man to great deeds? I think the answer is obvious.

My Ideal Woman

Honestly, I hesitated for a long time before writing this column about the role of women in a businessman’s life. It’s a delicate topic because, in our culture, the combination of the words 'woman' and 'millionaire' often implies a list of requirements for the perfect partner of a successful man. That’s definitely not my subject—it’s too cliché. That’s more about looking for a convenient 'house cat' rather than a strong and inspiring personality who truly elevates a man.

Inspiration is a sensory category. Feelings and emotions, in my opinion, play the main role in building relationships, rather than following some requirements or standards.

When people ask me what kind of women I like, I answer: “What a silly question? Different ones.” What matters to me is not how a woman looks but how I feel around her. I need to feel calm, at ease, and natural—everything else is secondary. In my book “The Happiness System: A Practical Guide to Training Happiness,” relationships hold a very important place. Who is she? What is she like—my ideal woman? I do not search for the answer by scrolling through Instagram photos, but in my Image of My Happy Self—a unique meditation that involves creating a personal, ideal scene where I feel pure happiness and immersing myself in that moment. There, I find the state I want to experience again and again next to a woman. And that state is my guide to the one for whom I am ready to slay dozens of dragons. Because for her, I have both the strength and the drive.
